How to Access Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)
Starting in the Fall 2020 semester, NC State University is providing Virtual Lab Environments for Windows-based applications. This use of Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) technology...
Starting in the Fall 2020 semester, NC State University is providing Virtual Lab Environments for Windows-based applications. This use of Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) technology...
This page has been replaced with this Knowledge Base article, current as of Spring 2024: Student-Owned Computing: Buying a New Computer or Laptop
Urgent Update Required ITECS strongly recommends upgrading to at least version 11.6.7 of MacOS to stay up to date with NCSU security practices. Please complete...
This article will give step by step instructions on how to print a document using the FWH plotter printers. Before printing, please ensure that one...
This article will guide you, step by step, through how to install Foxit PDF Editor, set the application as your default program for PDFs, and...
This article will guide you, step by step, through how to install Foxit PDF Editor, set the application as your default program for PDFs, and...
Backup your Gmail messages with Google Takeout Here are some steps you can follow to back up Gmail through the Google Takeout service. Open your...
Many incoming students already own a laptop, or will be receiving a hand-me-down from a family member. Laptops purchased in the past two years or...
High-performance computing (HPC) services are provided by OIT to support the core university mission of instruction, research, and engagement. To be sure these resources are...
Urgent- Security Update There is an update being implemented that could potentially impact use of your apple computer. The link below provides details on the...