Course Lockers

Course Lockers

There are 3 related services that are often confused by end users, so it is very important to understand which of them a user is referring to when responding to a call:

Wolfware (Moodle) – Supported by DELTA
Wolfware Classic – Supported by DELTA
Course Workspace – Supported by ITECS

Wolfware is the campus Learning Management System (LMS), running on the open-source web application Moodle. It is where students submit homework, get syllabi, participate in discussion boards, and so forth. Calls related to Wolfware are assigned to the WOLFWARE queue.

Wolfware Classic is the old LMS that was written by NC State and is heavily tied to AFS lockers in the /afs/ path in AFS. It provided a lot of same functionality as Moodle, but it is old and not very well supported. Calls related to Wolfware Classic are assigned to the WOLFWARE queue.

***Wolfware Classic was discontinued in the summer of 2018, with spring 2018 being the last active semester.

Course Workspace is a service provided by ITECS to allow College of Engineering faculty to request additional AFS quota for their students when a course’s file-storage requirements exceed what students have in their Unity file space (AKA – home directory or K:\ drive).  We get course rolls from Wolfware, which is part of why end users get confused. All Course Workspace lockers are in the /afs/ path in AFS.

This storage is provided free of charge in a separate “workspace” locker for each student in the course. It is not added to the student’s Unity account quota. Course workspace lockers can be set up with space for individual students, shared space for teams, and a common space with read/copy access by all students in the class.

Calls related to Course Workspace that cannot be answered by the Service Desk go in the ENGR_ITECS_SYSTEMS queue.

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