
EOS Lab Reservation Form

Please utilize this form to request the reservation of one of our three EOS computer labs.

Capacities of each lab:
111 Lampe Dr., Room 226: 24 Windows, 9 Linux
Fitts-Woolard Hall, Room 2351: 26 Windows, 3 Linux
Engineering Building 3, Room 2108: 46 Windows, 10 Linux
Calendars for each lab can be found here:
111 Lampe Dr., Room 226
Fitts-Woolard Hall, Room 2351
Engineering Building 3, Room 2108
Will this reservation be for multiple days?(Required)
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
Start time(Required)
End time(Required)
Will you require temporary ("Workshop") log-in accounts created?(Required)
If your reservation does not fill the capacity of the lab, can it remain open for individual student use?
What software will be needed for this reservation?(Required)
[Please note that any software not already purchased, approved, packaged, and available will require notice at least three weeks before the reservation date. Complex software requests may take longer.]
Who is the best point of contact for this reservation?(Required)