How to Use a PowerPoint Presentation as a Billboard Slide

How to Use a PowerPoint Presentation as a Billboard Slide


Open, Edit, Save, Export Directory Info

  1. Open the PowerPoint presentation file.
  2. Make the necessary edits to the directory and save the file.
  3. Click the File menu -> Export -> Create a Video. 
  4. If not already selected, choose Presentation Quality from the first drop down.
  5. If not already selected, choose Don’t Use Recorded Timings and Narrations from the second drop down.
  6. Set the Seconds spent on each slide to an appropriate value—typically 15 seconds.
  7. Click the Create Video button.
  8. In the Save As dialog:
    1. In the left column under Favorites, click Desktop.
    2. In the File name field, type the name of the file (example: Page Hall Directory YYYYMMDD).
    3. Leave the Save as type drop-down set to MPEG-4 Video.
    4. Click the Save button.

If you would like, when the video is done exporting you can close PowerPoint.

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