Student-Owned Computing: Self-Support

Help Yourself!

As outlined on the campus support page, we are glad to help you with any computer problems you might have. Our help desks employ full-time staff to help you with everything from spills to viruses.

That said, we feel that it is beneficial for students to be able to perform routine troubleshooting and preventive maintenance to keep their laptops working. That is a main focus of E115: Introduction to Computing Environments, a course required of all freshmen in the college. See our Learning About Your Laptop page for more.


Here are some of the resources that we suggest you use to keep your system running well.

  • Antivirus software – All computers connected to NC State’s network must have an antivirus client installed. This is one of the best proactive steps you can take against unnecessary downtime and headaches. Learn more about NC State’s Antivirus Resources here.
  • Spybot Search & Destroy; Malwarebytes – These software packages are freely available products that we have found particularly useful for scanning your computer and removing malware that you may have downloaded or installed by mistake.
  • Built-in firewalls – All of the current operating systems have built-in firewalls to protect against hacking and sneaky malware. These firewalls are enabled by default, and you want to make sure that they stay that way.

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